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Is Your Senior Falling Victim to Chemical Restraints in New Jersey?

by | Dec 28, 2024 | Elder Care

Many people have never heard of the term “chemical restraints.” Unfortunately, this is becoming an increasingly worrying issue in nursing homes across the entire nation. The concept is simple: Drug elderly people up to the point where they are compliant. If seniors are too intoxicated on drugs to complain, nursing homes can get away with all kinds of abuse and negligence. It may be convenient for them – and it certainly raises their profit margins – but it leads to terrible suffering for the average senior. But is your senior falling victim to chemical restraints in New Jersey?

Is Your Senior Falling Victim to Chemical Restraints in New Jersey?

What are Chemical Restraints?

Chemical restraints are drugs that keep seniors pliant, sedated, and manageable. The choice of wording is no accident. When used in a certain way, chemical restraints can be just as confining as physical restraints such as chains and straps. In many ways, chemical restraints are more cruel and torturous than physical restraints. While strapping someone to a stretcher simply robs a person of their ability to move, chemical restraints rob seniors of their ability to think, speak, remember, and protest. In addition, these drugs are often administered without consent from seniors.

It should come as no surprise that the United Nations has described chemical restraints as “depriving seniors of liberty.” In fact, they state that older people are more likely to be deprived of their freedom in care facilities than in prison. To describe nursing homes as “worse than prisons” is a bold claim. But for those who have actually seen these chemical restraints in use, it is an understandable one.

What are the Dangers Associated With Chemical Restraints?

Chemical restraints often take the form of antipsychotics. These are powerful, mind-altering drugs that are typically given to dementia patients. A new report shows that not only do these drugs have debilitating effects, but they also double the risk of death. Chemical restraints also rob a senior of their ability to speak out. This means that they might be suffering from a range of other abuse, but no one finds out because they are far too sedated to even speak.

Does My Nursing Home in New Jersey Use Chemical Restraints?

Nursing homes in New Jersey are only allowed to administer chemical restraints when it is truly necessary. For example, when they are dealing with a dementia patient who has the potential to hurt themselves or others. But the problem is that these regulations are very easy to circumvent. Efforts to reduce the use of chemical restraints in nursing homes have had virtually no effect. There is evidence that nursing homes knowingly and intentionally circumvent the rules in order to keep seniors sedated.

Where Can I Find an Experienced Elder Law Attorney in New Jersey?

If you’ve been searching for an elder law attorney in New Jersey, look no further than Giro, LLP, Attorneys at Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous seniors and their families fight for justice. If your senior is being overmedicated or subjected to chemical restraints without justification, you can file a lawsuit against the negligent nursing home. Doing so can help you achieve a sense of justice while dissuading further negligent behavior. Together, we can put a stop to the unfettered use of chemical restraints in New Jersey. Book your consultation today to pursue the compensation your family deserves.

