River Edge Wills And Trusts Lawyers Helping You Confidently Plan For Your Future
Proper estate planning will inevitably include creating a will or trusts. These preparations can ensure that your loved ones receive their inheritance when and how you choose, but a weak will or trust can cause more problems than solutions. When you want to ensure that your legal documents are iron-clad, you want the legal help you can find at Giro & Associates LLC.
At our River Edge office, we take advantage of our attorneys’ decades of combined experience to create wills and trusts that uphold our client’s wishes while eliminating opportunities for contestation or other unintended difficulties. We believe that every client we help has a unique set of estate planning needs, and we want to be sure we provide them with custom-tailored representation to defend those needs.
Understand These Documents
There is a lot to know about developing a proper will or trust. While we are helping you create these documents and arrangements, we can also explain the details to you, so you can fully understand what we are doing and what to expect from them.
When we work on wills and trusts, we are sure to include everything that you need to make your wishes clear. We will complete all the necessary planning to draft your will, including determining who receives what from your estate, discussing your health care directive, and reviewing who you appoint to be your power of attorney and executor of your estate.
When you want to create a trust, we will first help you choose what type of trust you want, such as a special needs trust, an irrevocable trust or revocable living trust. We also help you create your trusts in a way that minimizes the taxes the beneficiaries will have to pay.
Without a will or trust in place at your passing, your estate will go through probate in the government, which can result in your assets going to the wrong recipient. We are here to give you the peace of mind that your assets will be distributed appropriately.
Proper Planning Starts Here
If you are ready to meet with a New Jersey estate planning lawyer who can help you with your will and trusts needs, now is the best time to contact us. Call 201-771-9436 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.