Face Your Future With Confidence

Skilled New Jersey Divorce Lawyers For Amiable Or Acrimonious Divorce Cases

Is your relationship with your spouse taking a turn for the worst? If you feel that you and your significant other have tried failing resolutions one after another while attempting to reconcile your marriage, perhaps it is time to consider making some life-changing decisions such as getting a divorce.

At Giro & Associates LLC, our attorneys have decades of combined experience in practicing divorce law and helping to settle unruly cases. We are committed to providing superior legal support and counsel to anyone having to go through the unpleasant experience of a divorce. Our experienced divorce attorneys have helped countless clients get through the toughest and lengthiest of unruly divorce cases.

Equipped To Handle Tough Family Breakups

Is your marriage abusive or dangerously falling apart? If you are considering getting a divorce in New Jersey and want skilled representation by your side in the courtroom, do not hesitate to contact our River Edge office.

We have helped countless clients get through the toughest and lengthiest of unruly divorce cases. We will fight for our clients through the ugliest divorce settlements until a fair ruling is made. Our attorneys are the advocates you want to have by your side, representing you in any divorce settlement.

How Do You File For Divorce In New Jersey?

The divorce process starts with one spouse filing a complaint for divorce at the county courthouse. This technically makes the first spouse to file the “plaintiff” in the case and the other spouse the “defendant.” The plaintiff must then serve the defendant with a copy of the summons and complaint within a reasonable period of time and file proof of service with the court. Your attorney can help with service. Once they receive service, the defendant has to file an appearance of answer, which usually also includes their counterclaim against the plaintiff spouse. They have 35 days to do this.

The plaintiff has 20 days to file an answer to the counterclaim. After the counterclaims and answers have been filed, if the spouses have children together, the court will send notices requiring them to attend a parenting workshop. Each party must also file a Case Information Statement (CIS) that discloses their income, current household budget and other financial information and serve copies to each other.

The next step is the Case Management Conference, which can be skipped with the judge’s permission, if the attorneys work out deadlines for discovery. Discovery is the process of sharing and reviewing evidence between the parties. If an agreement on these deadlines is not possible, the judge will order a Case Management Conference between the lawyers, the judge or a court administrator to set a timeline for the divorce and identify issues that could cause delays.

This begins the discovery phase, which the court can schedule for anywhere from 90-120 days for most divorces. The length of time depends on how complex the issues before the spouses appear to the judge. If the parties do not settle during this period, the judge will schedule an Early Service Panel, which consists of volunteer family law attorneys who review settlement proposals from both parties and make recommendations. This could settle all outstanding issues, but if it does not, the judge will order the spouses to attend economic mediation to try to work out their remaining financial disagreements. If mediation fails, the court could order a second Case Management Conference to try to keep the case on a reasonable schedule. Eventually, a trial might be necessary to determine disputes over property division and alimony.

Meanwhile, there are issues like child custody and parenting time to work out. Unless the initial pleadings show that the spouses have settled custody matters, the judge will order them to attend mediation. If mediation fails, the court might have a mental health expert develop a recommendation based on the children’s best interests. Again, if this does not lead to a settlement, a trial might be necessary.

This describes reaching a divorce agreement in a traditional contested case. An uncontested divorce typically takes much less time requires fewer steps.

How Long Do You Have To Live In New Jersey Before You Can File For Divorce?

To get divorced in New Jersey, you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least one year. There is an exception for cases where the plaintiff alleges infidelity as grounds for divorce. Then, at least one spouse must be a New Jersey resident with no minimum residency time.

Connect With Our Team Today

If you suspect someone is going to serve you divorce papers soon, you are considering filing for divorce, or you are already in the middle of your divorce, now is the best time to reach out to us for the help you need navigating the legal process.

Arrange your private consultation with a proven divorce lawyer at our firm when you call 201-771-9436 or complete our online form.