Face Your Future With Confidence

Helping You Navigate The Medicaid Application Process

The costs of long-term nursing care in the U.S. are high and can quickly exhaust a person’s financial resources, especially as Americans are living longer. The burden on a spouse and family members may be excessive as they delve into their own savings to care for a loved one who requires care for cognitive or chronic disorders. You may feel as if you have no choice but to contribute personal funds, since Medicare and health insurance plans generally do not cover assisted living and similar residential arrangements.

You Do Have Other Options Under The Law

Our River Edge Medicaid application lawyers at Giro & Associates LLC are ready and eager to tell you more about applying for Medicaid as an alternative for funding a loved one’s care. They have amassed considerable experience in Medicaid applications in the decades that we have been serving clients in Bergen County and throughout the surrounding area. We are happy to handle the process and take the burden off of you.

What You Should Know About Medicaid

Medicaid is a program funded by federal and state governments that provides financial assistance when an eligible person requires nursing home care. There are benefits to the individual’s spouse, who can protect such assets as the marital home, a vehicle, and up to a designated amount in other assets.

It is necessary to submit a Medicaid application and, if approved, the person has low- or no-cost access to such healthcare benefits as:

  • Nursing or at-home health care
  • Inpatient and outpatient hospital services
  • Dental, vision and general well-being health care
  • Certain transportation costs
  • Health clinic care services
  • Other benefits as designated by law

Eligibility For Medicaid Assistance

The key to obtaining Medicaid benefits is successfully completing an application, which is an extensive package of forms that requires considerable supporting documentation. To qualify, the subject recipient must have extraordinary medical bills related to a medical condition that requires long-term care. The applicant must also have limited resources available to pay for medical costs, at less than $2,000 or $4,000 depending upon the circumstances.

Gaining Approval For Benefits

Because the benefits of Medicaid are quite favorable, the application approval process is demanding. You must submit all relevant forms and paperwork to the Board of Social Services in the county where the applicant resides. Agents conduct an exhaustive review of all financial resources and medical history, analyzing years of documentation. Mistakes in the process can lead to a denial or significant delays in obtaining benefits.

In addition, any transfers of property within five years prior to filing the application will be scrutinized. Certain transactions may trigger a disqualification period termed a “transfer” penalty, which can further delay access to Medicaid benefits.

Learn More About The Process With Us

Earning Medicaid is not as easy as it should be, even when you deserve it. Instead of taking chances on your own, let our team offer you the guidance and information you need to secure benefits that you can count on.

For more information on Medicaid applications or to schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer, call 201-771-9436 or complete our online form. We can assist you with the process and provide support with eligibility, as we have for other River Edge, New Jersey and New York clients for decades.