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The Importance of Effective Communication During and After a New Jersey Divorce

by | Jan 10, 2025 | Divorce

We often hear that communication is crucial for healthy relationships. The National Institutes of Health states that satisfied couples are more likely to report effective and positive communication methods – and poor communication is correlated with breakups. However, effective communication is also crucial during and after divorces in New Jersey. If you prioritize effective communication during this process, you may experience various benefits.


The Importance of Effective Communication During and After a New Jersey Divorce

Effective Communication Can Lower Your Legal Fees

The first thing you need to know about effective communication is that it can reduce your legal fees. If you learn how to communicate with your ex about your upcoming divorce, you can avoid litigation entirely and settle everything through private discussions. In the legal world, these private discussions are called “alternative dispute resolution” or “ADR.”

Examples of ADR include mediation, collaborative law, and arbitration. During these private discussions, you and your ex can create a legal agreement that will contain all the various elements of your divorce. For this process to be successful, you’ll need to agree on every single aspect of the divorce – including custody, child support, alimony, and property division. Even if you disagree on one simple issue, you may need to go through a trial to resolve the dispute. Trials are not only expensive, but they are also time-consuming and stressful. Mediation is not only cheaper and quicker but also more private.

Even if you absolutely hate your ex and have extremely bitter feelings toward them, you should still consider the advantages of mediation or collaborative law. Try to put your emotions aside and consider the logic of these ADR methods. Communication can be professional and courteous, even if you still have strong feelings about the divorce.

Why Communication May Also Be Important After the Divorce

Communication should continue to be a priority for many spouses, even after the divorce is final. Parents who share custody of their children should know that New Jersey family courts consider their ability to communicate with each other. This is one of the best interest factors that family courts must consider when making child custody decisions.

Family courts may also consider communication between parents when modifying custody agreements. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to maintain a polite relationship with your ex when sharing custody. Effective, clear communication could paint you in a positive light – especially in regard to organizing custody exchanges, vacations, and other complexities.

Specifically, family courts consider each parent’s ability to “agree, communicate, and cooperate” on subjects relevant to their children.

How Can a New Jersey Divorce Lawyer Help Me?

A New Jersey divorce lawyer may be able to help divorcing spouses with effective communication strategies. One method is to guide spouses through alternative dispute resolution strategies like mediation or collaborative law. Lawyers can also help spouses with effective communication and planning during child custody proceedings. To learn more, contact Giro, LLP, Attorneys at Law today.


  1. https://www.womenslaw.org/laws/nj/statutes/title-9-children-juvenile-and-domestic-relations-courts
  2. https://www.njcourts.gov/courts/family/family-econ-mediation

