Face Your Future With Confidence


What Happens if I Do Not Pay My Ex During a Divorce?

Spouses may be ordered to pay considerable sums during and after a divorce. Spousal support payments can prove to be a real headache, and they continue for years or decades. The same applies to child support. Property division can seriously chip away at your wealth, leaving you without a house, a car, or a business. But what happens if you…

How to Break the News of Divorce to Your Family?

Making the decision to divorce your spouse is difficult enough, but telling the rest of your family can seem even more challenging. It is difficult to know where to begin, especially if your family members were under the impression that your marriage was going well. In addition to more distant relatives, you also need to figure out how to break…

Should I Fire My Divorce Attorney in New Jersey?

There comes a time when even the most patient spouses become dissatisfied with their legal representation. If you feel like your divorce attorney is not meeting your expectations in New Jersey, you might be wondering whether you should fire them and look for a better option. However, you may also be hesitating for a number of reasons. What if you…

The Burden of Proof in a Divorce

When spouses divorce, accusations often fly. Thankfully, these accusations are not (and cannot) be taken at face value. If they were, all kinds of baseless accusations could be made in society without any accountability, and you would have neighbors accusing each other of the most heinous crimes simply because they did not like each other. This is why we have…

Can I Start Dating Before My Divorce is Finalized in New Jersey?

When a marriage ends, the first instinct for many people is to find someone new. It can feel strange and unfamiliar to suddenly be alone, especially if your marriage has lasted many years. The comfort and support of a new partner can be extremely helpful as you go through this difficult period of your life. But are there any potential…

Unwanted Property in a New Jersey Divorce

Property division is a major part of most divorces, and many divorce attorneys in New Jersey are used to spouses arguing over various assets. But what happens when no one wants a certain asset? What happens if both spouses would rather walk away without taking this “unwanted property?” What happens if property becomes abandoned and left behind by a spouse…

Legal Implications of Starting a New Relationship After a Divorce

Many individuals in New Jersey start new relationships relatively quickly after separating from their former spouses. A new romantic partner can provide emotional support during this difficult time, and it may help you put the memories of your marriage behind you. While the courts generally have no business interfering in your private affairs, a new relationship can cause legal concerns…

Things to Consider Before Moving on After a Divorce

Moving on is obviously the ultimate goal for most divorcing spouses in New Jersey. Even after marriages that have lasted decades, it is possible to experience new things, put those memories behind you, and start a new chapter of your life. However, you might want to consider the legal implications of these changes before acting too hastily. This is especially…

